Shots For All!!
Wellness Shots
B12 $20
- Gives you energy
- Helps you to concentrate
- Helps to Increase your metabolism
MIC B12 $40
- Gives you energy
- Helps you to concentrate
- Helps with burning fat metabolism
- Helps with weight loss support
- Helps to curve your appetite
GAC $40
- Glutamine, arginine, L-carnitine
- Help boost athletic performance
- Helps metabolism
- Helps balance hormones
- Helps to build muscle tissue
Glutathione $40
- Combats free radicals for glowing skin
- Helps to even skin tone
- Helps to reduce dark spots and hyperpigmentation
Mega Burn $40
- Boosted MIC B12!
- Everything in our Lipo MIC B12
- Plus Vit C, thiamine, additional B vitamins,
- Helps with energy, weight loss, improved sleep, concentration, and mental focus.
NAD+ $40
- Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
- Helps boost energy
- Helps to improve cognitive function
- Helps with weight management
- Helps to improve athletic performance
- Helps with rosacea & dermatitis
Contact us today for special offers and packages running monthly!